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Family Dance Evening

One of our most popular offerings, the Family Dance, is a school-wide community celebration that involves everyone.  Students, parents, siblings, teachers and administrators spend an evening dancing in time-honored traditions from around the world.  If the evening is presented as the culminating activity after a school residency, students will be able to help teach their parents the dances they learned during the day.

Dances during a typical evening come from both the European and Asian traditions - Ireland, England, Israel, Russia, Denmark, Germany, China, Korea, and more – and from African American, Canadian and Appalachian traditions. Dances are accessible for all ages, from pre-schoolers to great-grandparents.

Parents are encouraged to get up and participate, and the high-spirited, toe-tapping music by Peter Davis and George Wilson make it impossible to sit on the sidelines!  All dances are taught by “dancing master” Paul Rosenberg.  Instrumentation includes fiddle, banjo, clarinet, pennywhistle, recorder, piano, guitar and mandolin.